This is the Perfect Captain's final version of the Red Actions! rules after game testing. All files are given as pdfs.
Rules and Quick Reference Sheet. There is also a supplement which explains the changes from the original rules (mostly tweaks).
Below are the various bits and pieces you need to play.
Officer chits #1 and Officer chits #2
These are the organisation cards, which effectively take the place of army lists.
Whites and Reds : AFSR and Reds Other Whites and Minor Reds
Nationalists : Freikorps and Poles Other Nationalists
Interventionists : Odessa and Far North Far East and Central Asia
Assets : Upgrades, fortifications, boats etc
Unit cards, with the morale and weapons values for the troop types.
Reds : Reds #1 Reds #2 Reds #3 with Makhnovists
Nationalists : Nationalists #1 Nationalists #2
Interventionists : Int #1 Int #2 Int #3
Vehicles, artillery etc : Weapons #1 Weapons #2
This was the campaign system for the Red Actions! Rules.
It can be downloaded here. It is a 5 MB zip file.