Some variations on the original values in the Red Actions! cards and officer values.
These are the cards I use for Red Actions!. They represent my views only, and are not official. Many of the cards do not exist in the original game and others have been altered slightly. If you have any questions about why I have used the values I have, or you think I have made a mistake, contact me.
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Reds #1     Reds #2     Reds #3 – all fronts of the Russian Civil War
Whites #1     Whites #2     Whites #3     Whites #4     Whites #5   – including Czech Legion in #5
Poles #1     Poles #2   – eastern fronts only
Baltic #1     Baltic #2     Baltic #3   – the Baltic Freikorps and their Estonian and Latvian opponents
UGA     UNR   – Ukranian Nationalists
Weapons #1     Weapons #2     Tachankas   – armour, howitzers, mortars, armoured cars and alternative tachanka cards
Partisans   – Makhno from the standard set, plus some lower grade Greens.
The points I associate with each unit and the general scheme of their values is laid out as an appendix in my army lists. However, the full reasoning can also be found at: Notes regarding the reasons for my changes
I have expanded the Officers range, as I need more than were offered in the original set. These files will open in a new window.
The specific Red, White and Polish officer sets includes the original sets plus others which repeat the original proportions of values.
The Ukrainian set is entirely new. Their poor values represents the difficulty both the UGA and UNR had in finding trained and motivated officers.
The Baltic set includes the full original Freikorps set, marked with a small grey dot, plus a few extras of a generally lower value.
I have marked the Nationalist officer markers with an initial for their race: E = Estonian, L = Latvian, B = Balt (i.e. local German), J = Jewish, S = Scandinavian (both local and foreign volunteer) and R = Russian. The first E and L series are the values of the original nationalist set, except the -2 Estonian is a -1. The aim of the S, B, J and R officers is to allow a gamer to tilt the average up or down depending on your view of how good the armies were at a particular time.
The "extra" set all have a morale rating of "0" and are specifically for reducing the range of values in the original sets. They are marked by a small dot to enable identification (greenish rather than the grey for the first Freikorps set).
The officer names I have added are almost all those of actual officers.